Ever notice how you are minding your own business and all of a sudden you catch a whiff of something and you immediately remember helping your mom bake cookies or that girl you used to date in college or that crazy holiday you had in Dubai...well thank your sense of smell and memory for logging all of those thoughts but scent! There are over 1000 sensors in your nose that can recognize more than 10,00 scents and smells, and with equipment like that why not put the to good use and bring out the odors in your home or at your next gathering.
The sweet smell of cookies or the spicy smell of Cinnamon and chai can give you a warm homey feeling all over while the smell of clean linen and citrus can make you feel refreshed and awake. Here are a few more scents for you try out in different locations to spark old memories or create new ones.
Taste of Honey
The sweet smell and taste of honey give us a soothing quality overall due to its medicinal properties that it has and they way that it has been used for centuries. Although its rarely used as a house fragrance it could be a great untapped resource. Take a small bit of honey and add a few drops of lemon juice to it and sit it over an open candle to give your house a soothing calm feel not to mention a sweet reward. If you would like the scent to be more contained and kept on a shelf try L'Occitane's Honey Scented Candle for $18.
Not to be confused with what we smell like as we exit the gym, this ancient fragrance originates from male deer and is one of the most expensive scents today. The aroma is the epitome of male strong, silent, commanding earthy, confident and sexy. Ladies don;t let that stop you though because when mixed with compatible elements it can create a fragrance perfect for a confident, sensual woman. It is not usually at the top of the charts for women sniffers but of course it always has a place in bachelor pads and colognes.

For an exotic floral scent go for this night blooming flower that is often seen in Hawaiian leis but is native to Mexico. This once is a vivid scent that will have you thinking of laying in a floral garden all afternoon in your home. This is a decadent scent that is very intoxicating as it fills a room. Try this elegantly sexy scent by spraying it on your light bulbs so that the heat will ignite the aroma in the evening time. Estee Lauder has a Tuberose Gardinia fragrance that will do the trick, but put some behind your ears first!
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